The Last Seduction by Ronica Black


The cover and the title make this book sound like a breezy romance. But that is not what it is. This is a fairly serious theme of long term partners of fifteen years throwing in the towel on their relationship, struggling to move on and then finding their way back to each other. The power of the written word is its ability to make a reader think, feel and learn about emotions and experiences that they may not necessarily encounter themselves. In that, this book succeeds not in terms of the writing or characters, but in terms of the story itself.

Hannah Carter and Sasha Bashton have been together for fifteen years. A cancer scare a few years back resulted in Hannah having a double mastectomy and spiralling into depression. Hannah is a person who runs away from emotion and an outcome of her health issues is that she pushes away Sasha more and more and turns to drinking. A few years of this and Sasha cannot take it anymore, so she ends it. Sasha moves in with a friend but with a kidney problem, she is struggling with health issues herself. Hannah and Sasha continue having feelings for each other but instead of repairing their relationship, they try to move on with other partners.

The MCs are understandable at times and utterly frustrating at others. Hannah’s friend, Mickey, is awful at all times. Some carnage of other people’s emotions, particularly the completely lovely lady, Brandy, whom Hannah dates could’ve been avoided. We are not quite sure about how the two MCs have sex with other people when they are in love with each other. It also would’ve been nice to have seen some more rebuilding of the relationship by Hannah.

What however remains the most important message of this book is that love needs constant nurturing no matter how many years you’ve been together. Your partner needs and deserves the same attention that you lavished on them at the start even decades later. Talking, sharing and trusting are always imperative.

An uncommon theme, an important read.


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