Those Who Wait by Haley Cass


What happens when a gorgeous, though awkward, romantic realises that she might not be completely straight explores Sapphic dating and the first person who catches her eye is a strict hook-up-only lady?

Sutton Spencer is a grad student. She is intelligent, hardworking, honest, sincere and is kind of figuring out her sexuality after receiving surprisingly good a drunken kiss from an inebriated lady. But she is also very shy, has had a couple of not-so-great relationships in the past and isn’t exactly climbing her horse and charging out. Her bestie, Regan, decides to give Sutton’s non-existent dating life a push and creates a profile for her on a gay dating site. Forced to at least see some of the profiles, Sutton is arrested by one gorgeous, hot lady, Charlotte (Thompson). While Sutton is staring at the photograph in the profile, Regan grabs the phone and sends a message to Charlotte. Surprisingly, Charlotte replies and Sutton and Charlotte get into a conversation despite quickly figuring out that they are in two completely different places when it comes to their expectations – Sutton is a forever kind of romantic and Charlotte is ambitious to the exclusion of everything else. But the twain still connect, more so after an unexpected overlap of their virtual communication and their physical meeting.

Sutton is tender, brave, giving, considerate, kind and honestly one of the most precious pen-people we’ve ever met. Charlotte is well-defined and well-characterised and we really, really, really wish we could like her. Not that we dislike her or anything (notwithstanding finding her a little superior, smug and entirely too smirk-y), but we are unable to develop positive feelings for her despite the fact her character definition and trajectory are on point. And we know our inability to like Charlotte or understand and forgive her entirely stems from all the times her behaviour forces Sutton into self-doubt, into sticking her neck out, into feeling she is alone in the whole relationship.

The chemistry between the ladies is excellent and the sex is totally great. Though it is overall a tad too long, the story is strong, with defined plot movement and character development. There are fun scenes, sexy ones and some really strong ones which make this quite a complete experience.

Definitely recommended.

PS: We just want to reiterate / underline / underscore: Sutton is totally adorable!


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