Summer Desires by Emily King


This is a short light read which has fairly interesting development of the relationship and good chemistry between the MCs but is bogged down by too much verbiage spent of food descriptions and the junior lifeguard programme.

Sarah Wagner is a maths teacher and Amy Bergen is a lifeguard. However, Amy also owns a luxury car dealership which she wants to get rid of. Having moved to Southern California from Iowa, Sarah was swept off her feet by one Robin, a successful real estate agent. Sarah acknowledges that she took a lot of shit from Robin because she was bedazzled with the latter’s wealth. A romantic, Sarah wants to find someone to be with – but the only person who interests her is Amy, who clams up so tight and so often that a relationship with her seems impossible. So, Sarah suggests and fling and that is what they get into.

Sarah’s recognition and acknowledgement of the reason she stayed with Amy and took her shit for longer than warranted quickly pushes her out of a bracket of superficiality that she’d otherwise have slipped into. In fact, it is quite difficult not to fall deeply in like with Sarah for everything she is. Amy on the other hand, though not bad, is quite irritating with her secretiveness of things that aren’t even secrets. Also, when the two finally move from fling to dating, Amy’s feeling seem rather sane and muted, bringing down the intensity that Sarah’s passion brings into the relationship by quite a few notches.

This is a good read for an idle afternoon or while travelling. 


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