Counting on Love by R.L. Burgess


When a book makes accounting an interesting profession, you can be assured that it is very well written indeed.

Zoe Cavendish works in Reyna Azoulay’s financial services firm as a financial advisor. Zoe is bright, hardworking and creative (yes, the author has managed to bring in unsuspected and unexpected dimensions to the accounting profession!), She has a group of friends who are all into all sorts of extreme-sounding sports – their idea of a weekend well-spent. Zoe has had the biggest crush on the owner, Reyna, for about two years. Reyna is involved wholly in her own life, more so with the recent death of her sister and brother-in-law, which sees her becoming a substitute parent to her eight-year old nephew. Reyna believes between her fast-growing firm and her nephew, she cannot have any other life. And she carries this belief into a possible relationship with Zoe, nipping it in the bud before it could even be called a fledgling relationship.

Zoe is so completely likeable that you are rooting for her right from page one. We found ourselves getting mad at Rayna’s rather unconvincing reasons to keep Zoe at an arm’s length and much worse, hurt her – more than once. We wanted Zoe to find someone better who would appreciate her more. Not that Reyna is bad, she’s just too wrapped up in herself, her fears and the limitations she has placed on herself and the boundaries she’s build around herself. Thankfully, given her commitment and responsibility towards her company and her nephew, we feel that she’ll stick by Zoe and do right by her once they get together.

This is a well written book with such an engaging MC in Zoe that it becomes quite an involving read. 


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