Conscious Bias, A Monica Spade Novel (Monica Spade #1) by Alexi Venice


This is an interesting read inasmuch it is much like a John Grisham kind of legal novel with gay leads. It is not Grisham at his best but neither is it Grisham at his worst – it is somewhere in the middle with quite a solid legal case around the death of a Saudi Arabian student.

Monica Spade is a young, promising lawyer working in a seriously regressive law firm, Smart, Daniels & Whitworth. She is the only woman lawyer in the firm and has had to return into the closet so that she can work in the firm. Her biggest client is a large hospital which keeps her engaged in issues from a loose monkey to embezzlement by a partner company to the death of a Saudi Arabian student hurt during a fracas with an entitled Caucasian male. Monica has trouble saying no to goodies and joins a crossfit programme to battle the effects. She meets Shelby, an art teacher in the crossfit class and has mad attraction.

The books flows at a good pace. Monica is likeable enough. Shelby rocks! Wish there was more of Shelby and much more of the developing romance – since the attraction and chemistry is super, but way too little. Some amount of editing and tightening would’ve helped in creating a better pace.

This is a good change of pace for anyone who is OD-ing on any particular genre (be it romance or sci-fi) and wants something different for a coffee-bean-smell-between-perfumes.


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