Okay, we know that this is more of a YA, borderline sci-fi,
dystopian kind of series rather than F/F romance or focus but we just have to
put this book in because we absolutely love Evangeline Samos, who initially is portrayed
as the antagonist.
Before we write about Red Queen, we would like to say
that we are thrilled with the fact that all new books written for audiences of
all age groups now definitely have a rainbow (read: gay) character – either a minor
one or a major character. This is one of the most heartening new trends in
fiction writing which will surely help in breaking the stranglehold of heteronormative
compulsions in the society. No, the change may not happen overnight but thanks
to this trend in writing, it will chisel away those phobias. This is insidious –
and very effective – advocacy.
Coming to the Red Queen Series, and Evangeline Samos
in particular. Evangeline starts off as a typical Mean Girls bitch. She
is beautiful, cold and a total badass. At the same time she is extremely loyal
and conflicted by being pushed into various betrothals for political reasons. It
is in the third book that her true feelings are revealed. She is a lesbian and in
love with Elane Haven. It is also from this point that she turns from a
one-dimensional caricature into a multi-layered person with feelings of her
The two girls, Evangeline and Elane, are willing to take on
their powerful families and the rest of the world to be together. From the time
the relationship of the two girls is revealed, Evangeline’s character undergoes
a metamorphosis. She takes unprecedented risks and unexpected actions to be
with her lover, the love of her life.
Thankfully, the two girls end up together in the end, which
makes this one of our favourite YA series.
Definitely a solid four stars for this one (one star less than
five because it would’ve been even better if she was the main protagonist).