The Roughneck & the Lady by Erin Wade, Performed by Victoria Mei (Audiobook)


The title and the cover conveyed an impression of a butch-femme romance. That binary is not something that we are overly fond of. However, we were pleasantly surprised by how engaging and likeable both the MCs were and totally loved their interaction.

Dr. Heather Hunter is a gifted orthopaedic surgeon who is considered the best in the world. Trinidad (Trin) Winfield lands on Heather’s operating table with a severed hand. After a successful operation and discharge from the hospital, Trin invites Heather out for lunch. The lunch is the start of their friendship. Trin wears multiple hats – she belongs to one of the wealthiest old families in Texas plus she is a federal agent fighting against terrorist attacks against oilfields. Somewhere in the past she was also a General (?)/Colonel (?). So while the romance between Heather and Trin proceeds, life throws one damn thing after another at them – an incompetent surgeon for Heather to deal with, Iranian royalty asking Heather’s presence in their country to perform a surgery, attacks on Trin’s oil rigs, stolen money, abductions…it is breathless and endless.

We enjoyed the romance part of the story thoroughly. We like sappiness, non-abating attraction and continuing honeymoon – and this one has all that between Heather and Trin.

It is all the other plotlines that got way too many and steadily became more and more unbelievable. Also, at certain points, times moved at warp speed. Like the MCs have just met and before we know, it’s been a year since they’ve been friends. Heather is kidnapped and a couple of months fly by in maybe half a sentence. Also, there’s a huge cast of characters – some typecast and some almost caricatures and so unbelievable that (along with the multiple challenges thrown at the MCs) they put this book firmly in the suspension-of-disbelief category.

Voice artist, Victoria Mei, does a good job with the book. Good enough for us to have gone through the whole thing. We’re not sure that if we were reading this book instead of hearing it we’d have read everything. It’s likely that we’d have skipped large chunks. So clearly, that’s a win for Ms. Mei. 


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