Most Wonderful: A Lesbian Christmas Romance by Bryce Oakley


There are some books that are not awful enough to DNF and still make you struggle to finish them. This is one such book mainly because everything about it – the attraction between the MCs, the conflict – seems forced.

Emilia Marin is a hardworking indie bookstore owner. She is ambitious about her store and works hard at it. Cody Nowak’s uncle owns the bakery beside Emilia’s bookstore. After a terrible experience, Cody is on a sabbatical from being a paramedic and is working at the bakery helping her uncle. Cody is instantly attracted to Emilia and vice versa. The two get close and are soon in a relationship. Cody’s uncle wants to retire and offers her the bakery. Cody dilly-dallies over this and her uncle informs the landlord that he won’t be extending the lease on the bakery. Emilia wants to expand her store and offers her the bakery space next door.

Both the MCs are middling good, with Emilia having an edge on the likeability factor. To be fair, there are moments that are sweet and the supporting cast are also fairly cool. And that is the best description of this book – middling and fair. We’re not so sure we’d have determinedly finished this one if it wasn’t like doing a job.

Not bad, but not memorable either.


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