The Night Off By Meghan O'Brien


Meghan O’Brien is an unapologetic erotica writer. We really enjoy her note her parents in every book. Mostly her books have a leaning towards erotica with a nod to romance. Also, she likes BDSM (not hard core) and toys – both of which can grow old fairly soon, unless you have a special predilection towards kink. That said, after a couple of books, her sex scenes tend to have too many similarities across books. So, if you have to read a couple, they should give you a fair idea of all her books.

As a recommendation, go with Thirteen Hours (where one of the girls, Laurel is simply lovely and delicious) or Infinite Loop, which has much more emotionally satisfying conversations.

This book starts with an abduction fantasy and almost thirty per cent of the book stays in that first scene. Emily and Nat are nice enough, but don’t grab your heart like Laurel from Thirteen Hours. Their attraction and sex is also good enough. It is really Emily’s showdown with her sister that raises this book and little above being just ‘enough’.

Nett, nett, while there is nothing to complain about in this book, there is nothing to rave about it either.  


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