Blend by Georgia Beers


The thing about devouring books is that you come across the same tropes over and over again. And it can all grow old. Or maybe you get jaded. So when there comes something that fits squarely into the enemies-to-lovers, ice queen world, you don’t really expect a whole lot. And then you get surprised. Very, very pleasantly. Yeah, that is Blend.

Lindsay Kent is the hardworking, pleasant and easy-going manager of Vineyard, a wine bar. She has a great relationship with the owner, Mrs. B. Lindsey has ideas popping all over to build Vineyard into a more happening, hipper place, but the widowed Mrs. B is not always on-board with the changes. However, Mrs. B decides to take an extended vacation and puts Lindsey in charge even encouraging her to run with her ideas. Except there is one hitch – anything that requires financial outlay has to involve Mrs. B’s daughter Piper Bradshaw, who has a successful and demanding job already. So essentially, Lindsey and Piper will be running Vineyard together. While this shouldn’t have been a problem, it is because for reasons that Lindsey has no clue about, Piper seems to dislike her. Free spirit Lindsey and super-organised Piper begin working together and find not only crazy attraction but also an emotional connection.

Lindsey and Piper are both really likeable. Piper, thankfully, is not entirely mean ice-queen-y after a couple of initial scene where she is unjustifiably frosty. We rather dread the forced conflict towards the end that seems to be some sort of a template and necessity for romances. Ever so often we wonder how the two women can even get back together when the conflict is forced. And it is even more annoying for us when one person makes all sacrifices to make the relationship work or resolve the conflict. In this one, the dreaded conflict is there but Beers gives it enough emotional context and makes sure there is no doubt that the conflict was a result of emotional breakdown instigated by circumstances outside the relationship between the two women. Plus (and this is the best part), the person who was unreasonable is the one who makes all efforts to apologise and to repair the relationship. That makes this book especially nice to read.

This one is definitely recommended. 


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