Back to September by Melissa Brayden


One thing is certain: you cannot go wrong with Brayden. You are sure to get funny dialogues, quirky banter, likeable supporting characters, lovely MCs and heart-warming romance with great sex; all packaged in a well flowing and well-paced book.

Hannah Shephard own a bookstore, A Likely Story, in Providence. She leads a quiet life – two cats, two employees, one sister, one struggling business – and is mostly happy with her life, except for the struggling nosiness part. She’s something of a book snob relegating romance to being a little lower on the hierarchy, but her employee, Luna convinces her to give a shoutout to the PR team of a mega-successful romance writer, Parker Bristow, inviting the author for a book signing in their little store. Surprisingly, Hannah’s invite is accepted and Parker is in her shop – charming, down-to-earth and hot. Over the course of the evening, sharing messy burgers, Hannah and Parker connect. Not long after, Parker invites Hannah to Mystic to spend a weekend with her. Their mutual enjoyment of each other’s company, connect and chemistry lead them to an amazing night together – no promises, no strings attached. The next thing Hannah reads about parker is that she is seeing a very successful pop star. Hannah moves on, dating an accountant – but once again Parker and Hannah connect over text and calls. Parker suggests that the two couples spend a weekend together and bond. That weekend doesn’t go all that well and their relationship changes again. However, Parker is not particularly known for long relationships and comes with a lot of her own issues.

Written in first person from Hannah’s point of view, this is a completely engaging romance. Hannah is quite adorable. The conflict and subsequent break-up is justifiable though not entirely forgivable. Their slow path back together and HEA is entirely believable. The thing about Brayden’s MCs is that when they finally get together, you know the two will be happy together. They will support each other and grow together. You believe that their honeymoon will last forever. And really, that is what a romance should be about.


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