Breaking Character by Lee Winter


Actresses. Closeted actresses. Co-stars. Part fake relationship. Ice queen. So many tropes in this one.

Elizabeth Thornton, a British import to USA has a starring role in a popular TV medical drama series. A past altercation with the script writers has seen her character in the series transform into a villain and she is now the most hated villain in the USA receiving a ton of hate messages every day. It doesn’t help that she is also dubbed ‘difficult’ and ‘Brit Bitch’. She is waiting to be written out of the series soon while maintaining her privacy, which happens to be very important to her because she is a lesbian. Summer Hayes, a former child star is trying to break out of her ingénue mould into more adult roles and her role in the series is going to be the stepping stone to that. Summer has a teen crush on Elizabeth ever since she’d seen the latter performing on stage. Starry-eyed Summer tries to reach out to Elizabeth and form some kind of a cordial relationship with her but is rebuffed and insulted at every turn. That is, till Elizabeth needs Summer to land a role.

We’re a little conflicted about how to rate this one. We loved Summer. We hated Elizabeth. We think that the author has done a great job of not breaking character and keeping Elizabeth dislikeable all through the book (even at the end of it she still is less giving, still overbearing and still something of a user especially when it comes to Summer); but we like our romances to be, you know, more romantic.

This was probably the only romance where we were not rooting for the MCs to get together. Summer was too good, too warm, too nice for Elizabeth and should have either got someone better or Elizabeth needed to break character.

A good read in the ice queen trope niche, but not a heart-warming romance that we hoped for.  


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