Full English by Rachel Spangler


Slow in unfolding and rich in description of the place, this book draws you in on the sheer power of the characterisations and the chemistry.

Emma Volant is a hugely successful, multi-millionaire author. However, she was married to a fellow writer, who remained unsuccessful. Emma’s wife couldn’t handle Emma’s successful and carefully decimated Emma emotionally peaking it with a humiliating, very pubic divorce. Emma buys a house sight unseen in a small English village, Amberwick, to hide away. The first person she runs into is Brogan McKay. Brogan’s huge extended family practically owns and runs all small businesses in Amberwick and Emma and Brogan keep running into one another and spending time together.

What grabbed us first was Emma’s character. She is a best-selling author who has had great success. Yet she is socially awkward, introverted and have serious self-esteem issues. To create a character juxtaposing the gigantic success and issues of self-worth and making it believable is quite a feat. Spangler does that beautifully and you really feel for the fragile, vulnerable Emma at every turn.

Brogan is initially described as, not exactly a womaniser, but someone whose expertise is short flings with tourists. As the book progresses, Brogan’s emotional issues as an outcome of never having anyone truly want her enough to make her something beyond a fling unfold and you start understanding her hesitations better.

Their growing relationship and simmering chemistry are beautifully captured and when they finally get together – it is what romance should be.

The cast of nosy yet helpful secondary characters provide great support.

We love the little nod in the direction of Nell Stark’s The Princess Affair – one of our favourite romances.

A shoutout to the author, Rachel Spangler: Please, please, please write a romance about Lady Victoria…we LOVE her and want her to get a very, very happily ever after. Please? Pretty please?


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