Strings Attached By Holly Stratimore


Rich girl-poor girl combined with the celebrity-commoner storyline, Strings Attached, is an unabashed romance. The author has written one of the most believable celebrity-commoner attractions without belabouring too much on just why and how the celebrity can be attracted to a nearly-broke commoner.

Nikki Razer, lead singer of a rock band, is the quintessential bad girl. Tattooed, not shy of one-night stands with fans and groupies and flamboyant. Drew McNally owns and manages a musical instruments’ store with her father and is also a music teacher.

Nikki has been carrying a torch for her bandmate Jaymi for many years and doesn’t seem to be able to move on from there. She fills time with fans but doesn’t particularly feel seen by them. At the same time she longs to find someone who would love her for herself. She is drawn to Drew on first sight, and the attraction is mutual. However, with a mother who chose fame over her only child, Drew is leery of getting involved with anyone famous.

The book is an easy read and both the MCs are very likeable. It is nice to see them talking and sharing themselves with each other while their attraction grows. There are times (okay, many times) in the book when Drew comes across as unreasonable and the onus of making the relationship work by making all sorts of compromises and sacrifices seems to rest entirely on Nikki. Similarly, Drew refusing to take opportunities coming her way is not quite understandable. But childhood scars can make a person weird about things, plus the fact Drew is really likeable makes it work.

This is not a deep or deeply moving book. But it is a good romance, especially the huge romantic gestures from Nikki.


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