High October by Elena Graf


We absolutely love the fact that the MCs are 58 and 60 in this one and have a second chance at HEA together after 40 years. This is such a realistic situation given the fact that the world was a very different place four decades back. So right away, huge points to the author for this.

Liz Stolz is a famous breast surgeon who retired from mainstream surgery and bought a family practise in a small town. While she is currently single, her past relationships still overlap into her world. Past relationships except for her first love, Maggie Fitzgerald. Liz and Maggie were roommates in college and shared a wonderful year of togetherness. Their affair came to an abrupt end when Maggie came out to her parents and faced an ultimatum. Forty years thence, Maggie comes into Liz’ clinic with a broken ankle. Time has not dimmed their attraction and the tentatively explore rebuilding what they had.

Liz is written as a large, giving, kind person with all sorts of stellar qualities but she just falls short on actual lovingness. Maggie on the other hand is flawed, tortured, wrong (in the past) but is so much more just completely into the relationship with Liz that their HEA seems to be ensured because of her. This one is not just romance and second chances. There is much more to it including health and family issues – all superbly paced and organically flowing. The flow of the narrative is one of the highlights (second only to Maggie).

This is a wonderful read. 


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