She Became My Water by Amy DeMeritt


We loved the title of this book right away. When the reason of the title was first revealed in the book, we loved it even more. We felt a ball of emotion unfurling within us about it.

Piper is a barista, with tattoos and a soft open heart and a not-so-secret crush on a blogger. Bailey is a sweet and shy Thursday customer at the café. Piper is rather attracted to the shy woman and blurts out an invitation for a date. Surprisingly, Bailey agrees. The two find a rewarding relationship with the other as they spend time together unfolding layers and sharing themselves.

This is a pure, pure relationship development story. A lot of lovely thoughts in this one, though sometimes the dialogue seems rather strained. But then, the whole relationship development is so lovely that the stilted dialogues don’t exactly detract. The two MCs – especially their liking and support of each other – really, really work.

This soft, gentle book is not a heady romance but is a lovely read.  


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