Breaking Protocol by T.T. Banks


A thoroughly entertaining, fast-moving action-romcom – kind of like the movie Knight and Day.

Alexandra Connolly, a detective is part of a team assigned to the suspected murder of a businessman. At the crime scene she meets Kara Yazzi, daughter of said murder victim. Alex is madly attracted to Kara on sight. Getting involved in any way with someone who is a victim/suspect/witness on an on-going case is breaking protocol, but Alex is unable to stick o the lines which get increasingly blurred – especially since Kara is as interested in Alex and has no qualms about expressing it. Then there are goons on a mission to kill them both and strings leading into the FBI and a possible presidential candidate.

This book is completely suspension-of-disbelief enjoyable. Both the MCs are likeable, their banter and flirting a lot of fun. Kara is sexy. The chemistry works well and the movie-type relentless action in fun.

A good, quick, entertainer – this one. 


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