A Girl Called London by Clare Lydon


The best thing about this book is the writing. The language is smooth and the descriptions (especially of feelings of attraction) are excellent.

Tanya Grant is in the process of buying a new house thanks to a generous bestow from her adorable grandmother. Sophie London, a booty call for her boss, stays in the building that Tanya finalises her flat in. The two keep running into each other and there is definite attraction there. Tanya, however, is nursing heartbreak and Sophie is questioning her own ‘relationship’ (more like a non-relationship). Sophie’s relationship ends when she discovers that she was really only a booty call and her boss was in a relationship with someone else. Tanya reluctantly does give in to her attraction to Sophie. However, there are still personality issues (Tanya’s) to be dealt with.

Tanya comes across as quite an ass who never bothers to get in touch with Sophie. On the other hand, Sophie is somewhat of a doormat. Guess it had to be this way for the two personalities to get together, but they just didn’t work for us. What really keeps the reader going through this book (despite not quite falling for the MCs or their interactions) is the writing. Lydon’s language and joy in writing are really what hold the book together. This one gets stars only for the writing – not for the story or the MCs.


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