Guardian Angel by Becky Harmon


An action-adventure-romance set in Africa, this one is meant to be a fast-paced read.

Elizabeth (Ellie) Turner, US ambassador in in Mauritania, Africa is somewhat idealistic in her belief in the Mauritania and her ability to make an impact on the country. The embassy is facing a strange situation. There are men gathering in front of the building and doing nothing. Just gathering there. The numbers have increased enough for Ellie to have shifted all embassy employees into the compound. While no untoward incident has yet happened, the gathering seems intimidating enough. When random shots are fired in the crowd, Flagler security head and Ellie’s friend, insists on sending a team for her protection in addition to the marines already there. Reluctantly, Ellie agrees to have a small team in the embassy with her and one team at a safe location a few miles away. Angel McTaggart is assigned to lead the Flagler teams and she is also to be Ellie’s personal bodyguard. Ellie and Angel are attracted to one another but lock horns on many issues.

Elizabeth and Angel are both likeable characters but hugely frustrating in their lack of communication (personal and professional) with each other. Continually keeping things from the ambassador by the bodyguard particularly doesn’t sit well. The way they ignore red flags about suspicious characters and behaviour is also strange and makes us wonder whether they (especially Angel) are all that great at their jobs. There are some scenes (like the first time they kiss and some parts of the second half when they are trying to get back to the embassy incognito after having been attacked) that seem to have been written stand alone and then fitted in, making them feel jerky.

We really liked the gentleness in Elizabeth. She kept the book going for us. The book ends with a HFN (happy for now) but it is easy to imagine a HEA for this one given the MCs are both fairly mature in age, behaviour and emotions.

This one is an okay read. 


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