Forever Yours by Melissa Tereze


Okay, so there are some things really hard to digest in this one, in particular, the complete normalization of boss-subordinate sexual relations in a workplace.

Paisley Healy, an executive assistant, fell in love with her boss/owner of the firm, Georgina Weaver. Their relationship idyll ended when Georgina disappeared without as much as a goodbye. Current day Paisley is now in a colleagues-with-benefits relationship with her current boss, Victoria Walsh. When they are in the midst of an intimate encounter in the office, albeit out of office hours, Georgia walks in on them. She has returned without any fanfare after three (or so years). So then there is this whole they love each other, shouldn’t can’t be together with a mix of death-threat from Paisley’s Mafioso father in the past that had caused their separation. And yes, it felt like Georgina was constantly…constantly…crying.

This book felt like drama for drama’s sake without eliciting any sympathy for Georgina despite the author’s best efforts. Paisley is okay, and that is simply because she is the better of the two MCs. Georgina is supposed to be a badass, much-feared, much-revered boss -- but nobody seems to be in any awe of her and she seems quite ineffectual. While we cannot call this outright WTF or bad, we did wish we had invested the time spent on this one elsewhere. 


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