The Chase - Primal Lesbian Dominance by Sorcha Rowan


This is a raw, visceral BDSM super-short – actually just one scene – but then, what a scene!

It starts with Submissive Evie (Rabbit) running. She is being chased by her Domme, Meghan (Alpha Wolf). This ‘hunt’ is their game. Evie is equally torn between wanting to get caught and not wanting to get caught (she’ll get a new bracelet if she doesn’t get caught). But she gets caught and there is a wrestling match before Meghan hogties her. When Meghan begins to use her ‘wand’ on Evie, they are joined by a new invited spectator, Jay. The duo dynamic becomes a threesome.

While the focus is on sex there are some things we really appreciated: primarily that nothing (including the spectator and what eventually follows) is without Evie’s consent and participation. In fact, everything is focussed on the excitement and pleasure that the whole situation brings to Evie so what would otherwise be kind of cringe-worthy takes a positive sheen. The other thing we really liked was the fact that Meghan was super-protective of Evie. That was nice.

This is unabashed BDSM erotica with toy-play so get into this knowing that. And if that is your jam, this is a good choice in the genre.


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