There You Are by Robin Alexander


With this book Robin Alexander can safely be crowned the Queen Comedienne of Lesfic. The storyline is of little consequence in Alexander’s books. The books are all about the characters, the humour and the dialogues. But anyways…

Alex Savas, daughter of a famous fashion designer starts her own store, I Am Alex. Daddy (David Savas) helps her start the store, but sends her away from the hub of fashion to New Orleans. Brett Bishop, Daddy’s erstwhile assistant, but something of a surrogate mom (Brett insists ‘big sister’) to Alex and her younger sister, Cass, is sent with Alex to take care of her. Evangeline Scott (Scotty) a designer-met-in-yoga-class is hyper-trusting Alex’s newest discovery and employee. Brett has seen too many people Alex trusted but who only wanted to use I Am Alex as a stepping stone to Daddy’s prestigious brand and has serious reservations about this serendipitous yoga-mate. Alex, Cass, Brett, Scotty and the girls’ uncle Mark are on a business trip, with a detour to Montana to see Mark’s new house, when their plane crashes. The disaster brings the five-some unexpectedly close.

This book has surprisingly dark themes (plane crash, parental neglect, sibling rivalry) but the treatment is pure whimsy and thoroughly enjoyable. The MCs (Brett, Scotty, Alex and Cass) are all immediately likeable. We love the worlds Alexander creates where everyone is a good-natured loon rolling with the punches with masterly ease, witty, upfront and completely entertaining. We loved the developing romance between Brett and Scotty and the final settling of all the relationships.

Completely, thoroughly enjoyable and totally recommended.       


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