A coming-of-age novel, this one has a troubled protagonist,
Mike (Mary Elizabeth) who is struggling to come to terms with her beloved
father’s suicide and completely broken down relations with her mother and brother
while being in something of a denial about her own sexuality. Enter glamourous
Xanadu, a new girl in her class. Sexy, straight, feminine, bad girl Xanadu.
Naturally, Mike is besotted.
This book will resonate with every girl who has fallen for a
straight girl. Who has believed that doggedness will turn the straight girl.
Who has bought the lie that people want love more than anything else – yes,
people want love, but only from a gender of their preference. Love does
not transcend gender preference particularly if the person unequivocally identifies as straight – it is either d*** or chick – rather sadly,
but strictly.
Besotted Mike and Xanadu become friends but Xanadu finds
herself a guy, Bailey, who really does it for her. Mike watches as Xanadu’s
relationship with Bailey develops. Strangely (and rather typically of this kind
of a crush), Mike continues believing that Xanadu will notice her and become
hers. Keeping it realistic, the author does not make the switch. This is really
quite a relief because all the insta change in straight girls that romance
novels write about can really give true-blue lesbian a warped view and set them
up for some serious heartbreak, irrespective of their age. However, the author
does give Mike one night with Xanadu. Now if that were to really happen, it would
just make it so much more difficult for Mike to get back on her feet.
Mike is also a softball shero of the small community and
they pull together to send her to a camp. The book ends on a hopeful note for
Mike, with camp to look forward to, the beginning of a better relationship with
her sibling and the hope of tomorrow.
A realistic book, but saddening.