A sweet short friends-to-lovers story about two college
Ashley is a virgin in love with her bff Leah. But being a
virgin is a secret that Ashley hides. Leah is a hottie with four ex-girlfriends
and no qualms about picking up someone for a night. Except, it goes a little
out-of-hand one night with more BDSM than Leah bargained for. She calls Ashley
to her rescue. While ministering to Leah’s spanked thighs, Ashley’s hands wander
a bit creating the perfect awkward moment that then spirals to a couple of
awkward conversations and then on to a very satisfying outcome.
The dealing with first time nerves is done extremely well.
And Leah, with her liking of dirty talk, is quite adorable.
If you’re looking for a quick read with good sex, this one’s
for you.